Buttermilk Buffalo Chicken Wedge Salad

If you need a fun, healthier option for your game day party, try this buffalo chicken wedge salad. The dressing for this salad has buttermilk, blue cheese and scallions (YUM) and then we have the iceberg lettuce that’s topped with a buffalo chicken salad with celery, carrot and more scallions.

I love this recipe because you can take what you want from it (ie: serve the chicken salad by itself or just use the dressing on roasted potatoes) OR you can make this bombbbbb salad, which I think you will love.

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1/2cup buttermilk
2tbsp sour cream or greek yogurt
4oz. blue cheese, crumbled
1/4cup buffalo sauce
2 scallions, finely chopped
2 carrots, small dice
2 stalks of celery, small dice
Handful of dill, chopped
2 scallions, chopped
2lb cooked and shredded chicken meat see notes on how to easily make shredded chicken
1/2cup buffalo sauce
1head iceberg lettuce, cut into wedge sizes of your preference and washed thoroughly between crevices



Combine the buttermilk, sour cream, blue cheese, buffalo sauce and finely chopped scallions in a bowl. Use a whisk to mix together and mash the blue cheese crumbles into the dressing. Set aside in the fridge.
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Add the shredded chicken to a bowl. Mix with 1/2 cup of buffalo sauce. Add half of the diced carrot, half of the celery, half of the dill and half of the scallions to the chicken. Toss together. Set aside.
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Place the iceberg lettuce on a platter. Top with the remaining diced carrot and celery. Drizzle half of the dressing onto the lettuce. Top each wedge of lettuce with the chicken salad mixture. Top with more dressing, remaining scallions and dill.
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If you need to make your own shredded chicken SHREDDED CHICKEN: Bring a pot full of chicken stock to a boil. Add the chicken meat. Reduce to a simmer. Cook for 20-30 minutes until the chicken is fully cooked throughout. Remove from the heat and shred with a fork.

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